Call Us: (304) 529-7848
Dr. David J. Dalrymple
Jungian Psychoanalyst, Director, TriState Consultation Services
Dr. David Dalrymple is a nationally certified Jungian Psychoanalyst and Pastoral Psychotherapist with over 40 years of clinical experience.
He provides individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy and consultation for Individuals, families, couples and groups in the TriState area of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia.
His consulting office in the South Side neighborhood of Huntington, West Virginia provides a comfortable sense of privacy conducive for personal exploration, self reflection and discovery. Continue
Dr. David J. Dalrymple,
Huntington, West Virginia
Ph: (304) 529-7848
Cell: (815) 519-8818
“Dr. Dalrymple has deep experience as a counselor and psychotherapist, and Jungian Psychoanalyst. He is a lifelong learner with a mature personality,
psychological balance, empathy, reflective skills, and insightful understandings.”
- Dr. Murray Stein, Ph.D., Former President, IAAP, Jungian Analyst
David has served as a Clinical Pastoral Education supervisor, a pastoral counselor and psychotherapist, and as a Jungian Psychoanalyst, licensed and Board Certified. His practice over the years has included individual, marital, family, couples and groups. Read More
+ International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP)
+National Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis (NAAP)
+ American Board for the Accreditation of Psychoanalysis, Inc. (ABAP, Inc.)
+ C.G.Jung Institute of Chicago
American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC)
He has a Ph.D. in Psychology of Religion, Chicago Theological Seminary, Center for Theology, Ethics, and the Human Sciences, 2007. Read More
Office Hours
-Serving the TriState area of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia.
-Flexible rates and appointment times for analytic consultation.
Dr. Dalrymple’s life long interest has been in the phenomena of soul and
the healing of soul, of psyche, of the inner life and imagination. Read More